Friday, April 29, 2005


Quick update... continuing on with my zombie infatuation, here are a couple of good links you should check out if you're at all interested:

Zombie survival test.
( Make sure to post your score in the comments! )

Santa Rosa Institute

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Those bastards that don't signal.
Levelling up.
Myspace can be yourspace.

Californians look the same as people from back East, more or less. This fact led to some amount of confusion when I moved here because of the assumption that, if they looked the same, they must kind of be the same. I have, in the five years that I've been here, found this supposition to be, for the most part, false. Californians, although they look the same and speak pretty much the same language, are of a different culture than those of us from the East Coast.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with any of that, but I used to be very frustrated by the fact that a surprisingly high number of Californians refuse to signal when turning or changing lanes. I just found out the other day that a large number of Californians refuse to signal when changing lanes because an equally large number of Californians will immediately accelerate to prevent someone ahead of them from transitioning into their lane.

This is clearly a case of cretinous behavior begetting cretinous behavior.

I do, however, feel that two things have occurred on a personal level for me:

- I no longer reserve my darkest fantasies for the non-signallers. Those are now the province of the accelerbators, as they shall henceforth be called.

- I feel as though I have reached a deeper understanding of this strange and terrible culture which surrounds me. Mayhap I have gained a level. This would make me:

Richard the Bisso
NG Human Male, North Countryman (11), Californian (2)

By teh whey, I've recently signed up with . It's one of those community sites online that I've never liked too much, but this one is actually pretty fun and good. I've been going to it for a couple months now on the regular, so it's pretty safe to say I'm hooked. There are a lot of people I (and probably you, dear reader) know on there, so it's pretty cool to see how everyone portrays themselves when given the tools and space to do so. You should check it out... search for me by my email caballero776[at]yahoo[dot]com ...

Vaya con dios.