Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Missing NY.

I've got to get back over there sometime. I don't think I've ever lived in a city for such a short amount of time and grown so attached. It's probably because, unlike lots of other cities in which I lived, NYC has a ... well, it's almost like it has a personality. I haven't quite figured out why that is yet, but I have an idea that it's got to do with the cultural and economic diversity of the city. Like other cities, it's got it's homogenous sections, but I think it's the most truly integrated and diverse cities I've visited. I also have a theory that the high level of integration is because of the extremely efficient mass transit system, but hey... who am I to theorize about mass transit and its effect on cultural integration in urban environments? Anyway, it's almost as though being a New Yorker is more important to New Yorkers than being any particular color or being rich or poor. And I miss it. New York, that is.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Just got the news that my cousin Chad and I are going to be transferred up to work on Spider-man the Movie 3. Holy freakin crap am I freakin happy holy crrrrrap. I love everybody and especially you, whoever you are reading this, my lovely love lovefest!

Hoo-ray! Huzzah! Hup hup and hullabaloo!

Oh and check out the videos they posted of outtakes from the development of my upcoming game, Ultimate Spider-man... pretty funny stuff... but maybe I just like it because I'm so fuckin happy right now I could just poop my pants:

Click here and goto 'Treyarch Outtakes'.
